🗓 May 9th to May 11th
💰 Pricing: 3 450 NOK for the full weekend
Chrysalis in Liminal Space — integration through archetypes, guided movement, process work and self study.
The Chrysalis is the pupal stage of a butterfly, the transformation phase between a caterpillar and an adult butterfly. It’s a protective casing where metamorphosis happens. Metaphorically, “chrysalis” can also mean a period of growth, transformation, or development before emerging into something new.
Liminality refers to the state of being on a threshold—existing in the in-between space that separates two distinct conditions or phases. The term comes from the Latin limen, meaning “threshold”. In essence, liminality is the tension and dissolution potentials held in a transformative space where change is inevitable yet the outcome remains open ended until the unfolding gives us shape, meaning, function. The emergence of the Chrysalis is the natural outcome.
We journey through the 4 Quarters of our psyche- The King, Magician, Warrior, Lover aspects to reclaim our relation to these primal energies and discover the ways in which we project or deny each of these power houses.
Each of these live in polarization of light/shadow as well as Feminine/Masculine. Until we reclaim and rightfully own them. Early stages of this work can be traced back to modern Jungian psychology, Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette.
These concepts have provided me with deeper understanding about interrelational dynamics, individuation, shadow work and therapeutic interventions in my one on one bodywork sessions. I am ready to unfold this body of knowledge with a small group of brave souls.
If you feel called to this style of process work- you may sign up to a mailing list and take the survey.
Program includes:
2 Yoga Classes (optional but certainty recommended)
2 Group Sessions of Neuroacustic Reprogramming ( aka – Voice based meditation to ground higher frequencies in the each participant)
2 Group Sessions- Integration of The Four Quarters. Intro and process work in pairs.
Each session lasts 90min.
Bring your journal. Water bottle, comfortable clothes and a bathing suit!
16’30 Optional Yoga (instructors vary)
18’00 Neuroacustic Reprograming
19’45 Harvest Circle
10’00 Optional Yoga
11’45 Individuation and Intro to the 4 Archetypes
13’00 lunch break
14’00 Guided Journey through the 4 Archetypes
15’45 Neuroacustic Reprogramming
17’15 Harvest Circle
10’00 Optional Yoga
11’15 Neuroacustic Reprogramming
13’00 Lunch Break
14’15 Sound bath
16’00 Integration and journaling
18’00 Closing Circle